Oakland Middle School Band » Recruitment: New Students

Recruitment: New Students

Welcome to the OMS Band, where we assist in a student's intellectual, emotional, and relational development.  We enrich their lives for the better and teach life lessons through the vehicle of music.  
6th grade students, we want you to know how much we would love to get you involved in our program!
The short version is that all it takes to join band is to request band be put on your child's schedule when you register at OMS.  Nothing else is needed, and you get more information about band when school starts.
Instruments will be chosen with your child during the first month of band class in the fall.  
This video is an introduction to our program with notes on who can participate--and why they should!
Please see the information below about how to join the OMS Band family.  Many questions you may have can be answered in the student or parent sections.  Feel free to reach out anytime to the directors for more information.  Stay safe!
Mr. Hearnes - [email protected]
Mr. Kinney - [email protected]
Band is open for any student that is interested in trying something new.  NO previous experience or knowledge about music is needed.  You don't need "talent" or "ability," just a willingness to try hard!  Band is a class that meets during the school day, so you are free to participate in all after-school sports and clubs (we have had band students participate in every sport and club OMS has to offer).  
We can't stress this enough: Band is for everyone!  YOUR DESIRE TO LEARN IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN YOUR TALENT.
In Band, we study music using the following instrument families: Woodwinds, Brass, and Percussion.  
Woodwinds: Flute, Clarinet, Saxophone, Oboe, Bassoon
Brass: Trumpet, French Horn, Trombone, Euphonium (or Baritone), Tuba
Percussion: Snare Drum, Mallet Keyboards, Timpani, Cymbals, Etc. (Percussion students learn all of the instruments in the percussion section.)
The following videos have demonstrations of the instruments we use in band.  Click on the links and see what you might be interested in playing!
Here's a video of some of these instruments playing a 6th grade arrangement of "Star Wars" and "Go Team, Go."
Parents usually have a lot of questions regarding band.  When school starts, we set up a band parent meeting in order to answer those questions directly.  However, here are a few things to consider at this time.
Band takes place during the school day as your child's elective class.  There are no after school practices, so students are free to participate in other activities.  The only exception would be the two concerts--only two nights the entire year.  That's it.  Band students participate in all kinds of activities including sports, dance, cheer, clubs, etc.  Down the road, band students participate in high school IB classes, Jr. ROTC, sports, etc., as well.
Participating in band can cost money, but assistance is available.  Students usually rent instruments from the local music stores, and most parents find the prices reasonable.  Some school instruments are available for students based on need.
Here is a link to a video discussing the brain benefits of learning a musical instrument.
We'd love to field any other questions you may have in order for parents to make an informed decision about instrumental music.  Please email us at any time and we will return your email promptly.
We hope to have you as a member of our band family!