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Hello students and Parents!!! Make sure to check emails daily and please email any questions or concerns you may have. My contact information is above. I look forward to a great, fun year!

THIS WEEK (4-15-24 thru 4-19-24) TCAP WEEK 1

 If you miss or need any refresher, please look below. Also check clever for some activities if you are out or need a refresher. Thanks guys let's have a great week. 


Science- This week we will be reviewing the periodic table and atomic structure. This week starts TCAP - Lots of vocabulary words so if you miss some make sure they go in your journal. Key Vocabulary and Review Videos are below. If you have any concerns, please email me. Thank you!


Key Vocabulary for Science:
Phenotype- physical observable traits (the way you look)
describes an organism's complete set of alleles.
the likelihood of something happening.
Alleles- types of traits. An individual inherits two alleles for each gene, one from each parent. 
Dominant- trait that produces a lot of protein and overshadows recessive traits represented with a capitol letter.
Recessive- trait that produces a small amount of protein, Represented by a lower-case letter.  Covered up by dominate traits
Homozygous- both alleles are the same- homozygous dominant or recessive.
Heterozygous- a hybrid each allele is different one capitol and one lower case
Gamete- sex cells with half (haploid) the chromosomes of a parent cell. 
Sperm- Male sex cell 
Egg- Female sex cell
Fertilization- combining egg and sperm to create a cell with a full set of chromosomes. 
Diploid- containing a FULL (di=2) set of chromosomes= produced by Mitosis makes somatic (body) cells 
Haploid- Containing a HALF set of chromosomes= Produced by Meiosis
Mitosis- cell division that results in 2 genetically identical daughter cells with the same number of chromosomes. Asexual reproduction that makes body cells. Goes through PMAT once. 1 division
Meiosis- cell reproduction that results in 4 genetically different daughter cells. Sexual reproduction that creates gametes (sperm and egg) with half the chromosomes of the parent cell.  Goes through PMAT twice (2 divisions)
Crossing over- Exchange of genetic material in Prophase 1 between homologous chromosomes
Homologous Chromosomes- Chromosomes with similar genes ex: hair color, eye color
Alleles- variation of a trait (one side of the chromosome)
Gene- segment of DNA that holds instructions for making a specific protein.
control the characteristics of an organism.
**Understand that All of your characteristics and body processes are controlled by a protein. **
characteristics passed down to offspring from parents, expressed by proteins. 
change or differences in a trait
Genetic information to make an organism the directions/blueprint “A” goes with “T”. and “C” goes with “G”
Organized DNA that looks like an “x”
The Cell Cycle- reproduction of cells for growth, repair and reproduction.
Asexual Reproduction- cell production involving one parent cell to create an exact copy (clone) process known as Mitosis.
Sexual reproduction- cell production involving 2 different parent cells to create offspring with genetic variety and diversity. Process known as Meiosis.
Previous Vocabulary for Science
Unicellular- Organisms made of one (cell single cellular)
Multicellular- Organisms made of more than one cell.
Abiotic- nonliving
Passive Transport- the movement of molecules across a cell membrane from high concentration to low concentration (automatic does NOT need energy).  
Active Transport- the movement of molecules across a cell membrane from low concentration to a region of higher concentration (Needs energy)
Diffusion- movement of molecules from an area of high concentration to an area of lower concentration
Osmosis- the movement of water molecules across a cell membrane from an area of high concentration to an area of lower concentration.
Vacuole- In animal cells, vacuoles are small and help store waste products. In plant cells, vacuoles are big and hold lots of water.
Chloroplast- in plant cells organelles that convert light energy into chemical energy via the photosynthetic process.
Cell Wall-found in plant cells provides strength and protection to the cell
Cell Membrane- gate keeper of the cell allows molecules to enter and exit a cell
Semi-permeable - allows certain substances to pass through but not others ex: Cell membrane.
Cytoplasm- gel-like fluid that fills up a cell.
Nucleus-contains the organized DNA. The center of the cell the nucleus controls activities of the cell. The brain of a cell. 
Mitochondria- energy produces energy for the cell, the powerhouse of a cell. 
Homeostasis- Balance in the body maintained by organ systems.
Organelle-The organs of a cell. What makes up a cell. Performs different jobs for the cell. EX: Cell Membrane
Cell Membrane- organelle that let certain things enter and exit a cell.
Hierarchical Organization-the organization, from smallest to largest
Cell- the basic building blocks of life
Tissue- a group of cells that have similar structure and that function.
Organ- a group of tissues that perform a specific function.
Organ System-groups of organs that work together to do a job for the body. 
Organism-a living thing made up of one or more cells and able to carry on the activities of life.
Law of Conservation of Mass-Matter cannot be created or destroyed
Coefficient- a number placed in front of a chemical symbol or formula to show how many molecules are in the chemical reaction. 
Subscript- are numbers that come after and below an elemental symbol. Subscripts tell you the number of atoms of that element in a molecule.

Reactants- what we start with in a chemical Reaction.
Product- what we end with in a chemical reaction. 
Elements- substances that CAN NOT be broken down by any means
Atoms: Building blocks of matter-made of protons, neutrons and electrons.
Molecules: two or more atoms joined together chemically (touching)
Elemental Molecule: molecule with the same atoms(same)
Compound Molecule: molecule with different atoms (different)
Diatomic Element molecule- Elements composed of only 2 of the same atoms. (di=2)
Monoatomic Elements- elements that are stable as single atoms. Elements composed of only 1 atom (mono=1)
Ionic Bonding-is the transfer of valence electrons between atoms of a molecule. This creates a chemical bond that generates two oppositely charged atoms
Covalent Bond- valence electrons are shared between atoms rather than donated for the atoms of both elements of the molecule to gain full outer shells.
Atoms: Building blocks of matter-made of protons, neutrons and electrons.
Proton: Particle in an atom with a Positive charge
Neutron- No charge hold protons together.
Electron- Equals protons particle in an atom with a negative charge
Nucleus- center of an atom contains the protons and neutrons.
Elements- one type of atom CAN NOT be broken down.
Law of Conservation of Mass- Matter cannot be created or destroyed.
Periodic Table- elements arranged by number of protons and similar properties.
Open System: 
a system that can freely exchange matter and energy with its surroundings. 
Examples: River, lake, coffee cup. A container without a lid that is open to the environment
Closed System:
 system that doesn’t allow matter from outside environments to enter its space.
Examples:  soda bottle with cap Earth is also considered a closed system
Mixture: made up of two or more different substances not chemically combined. CAN be Separated physically.
Pure Substance: Made of one type of molecule that is chemically combined(connected). CANNOT be separated physically.
Chemical Property: property or behavior of a substance that can be observed with a chemical change or reaction. 
Physical Property: property of matter that can be seen and measured without changing the matter’s chemical formula. 
Boiling Point: temperature(energy) change from a liquid to a gas. Increase energy
Freezing Point: temperature(energy) change from liquid to solid. Decrease energy
Evaporation: Temperature(energy) Change from liquid to gas. Increase energy
Condensation: Temperature(energy)change from a gas to a liquid. Decrease energy
Atom- Building blocks of matter
Matter- anything that has mass and takes up space
Mass- the amount of matter in a substance
States of matter- Solid, Liquid, Gas
Kinetic Energy- energy in motion
Potential Energy- stored energy at rest
Solid- molecules are closely packed together and contain the least amount of energy. Has definite shape and volume. Particle vibrate in place
Liquid- fluid takes the shape of its container. Particles flow over each other. Definite volume but no fixed shape.
Gas- has no definite shape or definite volume. Has the most energy and fills the area of its container. Particles move all around


"If I were You" Episode power Point located below. 

Remember to record as much evidence as you can. After video answer the following:

1. Which pieces of evidence were most important? Why?
2. What was the outcome of the case?


*****Don't Look Down Review*****



Crime Scene 360


Blood Splatter Virtual lab