If you need FREE math help or need more practice

GIF by Math
#1 Your child should be completing success maker lessons-- one hour each week
#2 Retake CFA...  see post about helping your math grade 
you can't just retake a test/cfa. You have to show me you are ready for a retake.
 Homework hotline: Call (615) 298-6636 or Sonic toll free (888) 868-5777 (Monday –  Thursday from 4:00 – 8:00 pm.)
        it is free so many minutes per day; in the search bar TYPE in the topic you need help with OR choose 7th grade and then choose topic
   it is free; short videos of teachers teaching content and examples of problems.. just search by topic
games you can play, choose the topic you need to work on 
games arranged by topic 
search by topic and subject 
---------------------------------------PRACTICE sorted by TOPIC
Rational Numbers
Proportional Relationships
Equations and expressions