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Vocabulary 03.11-15.2024

Use these 10 words to study for your upcoming vocabulary CFA on Thursday, March 21:

  • Pitfall: A hidden or unexpected danger or difficulty.
  • Glacial: Relating to, resulting from, or denoting the presence or agency of ice, especially in the form of glaciers: OR Extremely slow.
  • Synagogue: The building where a Jewish assembly or congregation meets for religious worship and instruction.
  • Unregistered: Not officially recognized or recorded
  • Vaguely: In a way that is uncertain, indefinite or unclear; roughly:
  • Overseer:  A person who supervises others, especially workers.
  • Relocated: Move to a new place and establish one's home or business there:
  • Monocle: Eyeglasses worn over one eye.
  • Sanctified: Made Holy
  • Exalted: Praised

Vocabulary 02.19-23.2024

Use this list of new words IN ADDITION TO the words from last week. ALL will be included on the next Vocabulary CFA sometime the week of March 4:

  1. expanse - an area of something, typically land or sea, presenting a wide, continuous surface
  2. procession - a number of people or vehicles moving forward in an orderly fashion, especially as part of a ceremony or celebration
  3. adhered to - to act in a way that is required by something
  4. sentiment - a view or attribute toward a situation or an event
  5. frankly - in an open, honest, and direct manner
  6. vain - having or showing an excessively high view of one's appearance, abilities, or worth OR producing no result; useless
  7. furor - frenzy, uproar
  8. probability - likelihood
  9. epistle - letter or message
  10. incongruous - clashing; not agreeing with
Quizlet link:
Blooket link:

Vocabulary 02.5-9.2024

Vocabulary for CFA on Friday, February 16th:

  1. Kin - Family members
  2. Condemned - Doomed
  3. Wretched - Miserable
  4. Sole - Only
  5. Entrusted - Trusted with a responsibility
  6. Compulsory - Required
  7. Conditioned - Trained
  8. Tenets - Principles
  9. Innate - Existing since birth
  10. Propaganda - Biased, deceptive, or misleading information used to promote a cause or particular point of view

Vocabulary 01.29-02.02.2024

This Friday, 2/2's, CFA will cover BOTH LAST WEEK and THIS WEEK'S words, so please be prepared :)

Vocabulary Words (from Frankenstein with definitions as used in the book):

ranged: wandered

gratify: to satisfy

requisition: demand the use or supply of.

dwelling: to think for a long time. 

fidelity: exactness when copying a source.

Vocabulary 1.8-12.2024

Frayer Model: Use the following words below and make a Frayer Model (see attachment for examples) of each word. This will include:

  • The word
  • Definition
  • Student (not Google)-created, original sentence using the word
  • Picture of the word being used
  • Examples (synonyms, etc.)
  • Non-example (antonyms, etc.)


Insatiable- unable to be satisfied 

Secluded- a location not seen or visited by many people 

Inquisitive- to be curious or questioning of things 

Lavish-  rich, elaborate, or luxurious 

Unremitting- never relaxing or slacking 

Vocabulary 11.27-12.1

Use these words to study for your next CFA on Friday, December 8:

Dread- to fear greatly 

Wretch- a miserable or unhappy person 

Interment- the burial of a corpse in a grave or tomb, typically with funeral rites 

Apostrophe- A figure of speech that directly addresses an absent or imaginary person 

Benevolent- well meaning and kindly 

Here is a quizlet link:


Last week's list AND this week's list will be on our CFA this Friday, 10/20:

Woe- great sorrow, grief, or misfortune 

Misdemeanor- a minor wrongdoing 

Ignorant- Lacking knowledge or awareness in general; uneducated or unsophisticated 

Oppression- the exercise of authority or power in a burdensome, cruel, or unjust manner. 

Ineffable- difficult to describe or express