Welcome to 8th Grade Science!
Keys to a Successful Year in Science:
Keys to a Successful Year in SCIENCE:
1. Participate and be engaged in class instruction. You will need to take all notes in your science
like a textbook you are building throughout the year.
2. Be prepared to learn: bring your science notebook/journal, charged computer, and alert, rested
body to class everyday.
3. Participate and do your part in all activities and complete all lab sheets completely.
4. Complete all homework, daily assignments on time as late work may be accepted up to 5 days
late, but will only receive 75% credit.
5. Study for tests/quizzes/CFAs using your journal notes. You may also use your textbook content
for additional material. Review sheets/study guides will sometimes be given, but are not
designed to be exactly like the test. Science is about analyzing diagrams, models, chart,
scenarios and applying knowledge. Class engagement is essential to success. You cannot
memorize the content....you must be able to apply what you have learned.
5. CFAs (Summative tests over standards) will count 50% of your grade. They may be retaken
after receiving remediation and completing a remediation assignment.
6. You will find links to the class PowerPoints and all journal notes in Schoology.
7. If you are absent, you must find what out what you missed by clicking on "Daily Assignments"
tab on this webpage. It is then your responsibility do everything you missed including all notes.
All notes are in the "Science Notebook" folder. You have 5 days to get absent work turned in for
8. There will be open journal quizzes using their own journals only.
9. You must ask for the code to take any missed quiz or test.
10. ASK QUESTIONS and communicate with me! :) I always answer emails, too!
Classroom Behavior Expectations
Classroom Behavior Expectations:
A well-managed classroom is key to student learning, therefore:
- Students are expected and encouraged to participate in class labs/activities, discussions, and written assignments.
- Students are expected to stay on task and alert during during class (labs and instruction) and listen (not talk) when instructions/procedures are being explained.
- Students are responsible for their own behavior in the classroom. If another student or issue in the classroom is disrupting their learning, they are to make the teacher aware of any problems in order to address and eliminate them.
Classroom Academic Expectations
Classroom Academic Expectations:
Completing assignments and practicing skills are essential to academic growth therefore:
- If an assignment is due in class (classwork), it must be turned in that day in class in order to receive credit. Any exception must be approved by the teacher before leaving class.
- If homework is assigned it will be given a specific due date. The assignment is due on the due date to receive full credit. Late homework may be accepted up to 5 days late for no more than 75% credit.
Check Skyward and Email often.
Oakland School-Wide Grading Calculations
Oakland School-Wide Grading Calculations:
20% Daily Assignments (classwork and homework)
30% Formative Assessments (Exit Tickets, Quizzes, Journal Quizzes)
50% Summative Assessments (CFAs/Unit/Topic Tests, major projects)
Assessment/Test Retake Opportunities and Extra Credit
Extra Credit will not be given; however, there are some opportunities to raise their class grade.
Students will be given the opportunity to retake most all summative assessments for each standard (50%). This will be in the form of a unit test. The unit test will cover all the standards from the unit and be broken into equal parts/equal # of questions for each standard. If a student does better on that part of the unit test it will replace the previous test grade. The highest of the two grades will be kept.
There will be some opportunities to retake/increase QUIZ grades (30%). There is a folder in Schoology titled "Remediation/REDO/Replacement Opportunities" where all these opportunities will be housed. Students that desire to increase their grade should check this folder when needed.
Bellwork Corrections:
Bellwork may be corrected for full credit. Students must go into that week's powerpoint and find all three bellwork questions to redo. It must turned in with the correct format.